Sunday, February 13, 2022

"A journey of a thousand miles..."


Lao Zi (Wikimedia)

Proverb: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  • This saying actually comes from the Dao De Jing, an ancient book by one of China's great and mysterious philosophers, Lao Zi. A passage in Chapter 64 reads in one translation:

The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine storeys rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand li commenced with a single step.

Meaning: No matter how great the task, it begins (and continues) one "step" at a time.

  • Those of us who launch a lot of online projects have been taught, "Don't wait until (you think) you're ready." In other words, "Just do it!"

Dialogue: Two students are talking in the lunch room about a school assignment.

Alex: Hi, Robby. Have you finished writing your story yet?
Robby: Finish it? I haven't even started it!
Alex: Why not?
Robby: I haven't figured out the ending.
Alex: Seriously? Don't worry about the ending. Just start at the beginning and let it unfold. You know what they say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Robby: Okay. I'll get started tonight!
Alex: Well, you'd better. It's due the day after tomorrow!



1. In which situation would you use the proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"? The correct answer is in the first comment below.
     A. Your friend is almost finished painting his house.
     B. Your friend has been making plans to open a business for three years.
     C. Your friend needs to bake a pie, but he hasn't even found a recipe yet.

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